Geneablogy: An occasional Journal about our experiences exploring our heritage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

In my post a couple of days ago, I used the archives posted by the Polish State Archive, AGAD, to push my ancestry back a generation. I had known that my grandmother’s parents were Anton Zurbyk and Maria Sobol. I had known that Anton’s parents were Mykola Zurbyk and Varvara Oryszczak. I had known that Maria Sobol’s parents were Bartolomiy / BartÅ‚omiej Sobol and Katarzyna MikuÅ›. I knew very little about Bartolomiy and Katarzyna, but I at least had their names.

AGAD has the records from 1872-1906, with a few years missing, like 1880. To go back further than that, you need to access the records available through the Mormon church’s site. They have records for the Roman Catholic church in Liczkowce / Lychkivtsi / Личківці from 1816 to 1865, so it matches up reasonably well with AGAD’s archives. Obviously, there’s a gap from 1886 to 1871, but it’s close enough that in most cases, we can bridge the gap.

You need to have a login to see the records on, so I’ll post links to locally mirrored images here first, with links to their site second.

I wasn’t able to find a marriage record for Bartolomiy and Katarzyna. Maybe it fell into that gap. But they both show up in the birth records of the Roman Catholic church.

Katarzyna MikuÅ› was born and baptized on 17 May 1862 in Liczkowce in house number 176. Her father is shown as Alexander / Aleksander MikuÅ›, and grandparents as Blasii / BÅ‚ażej MikuÅ› and Brigida RużyÅ‚o. Those names are new, and they’re my fourth great grandparents. Katarzyna’s mother is shown as Maria Kwiatkowska, and grandparents as Petri / Piotr Kwiatkowski and Margarita / MaÅ‚gorzata Grabas. Again, newly identified fourth great grandparents.

Bartolomiy Sobol was born and baptized on 25 August 1856 in house number 48 in SamoÅ‚uskowce, a village near Liczkowce. His father is shown as Vincentius / Wincenty Sobol, and grandparents as Gabrielis / Gabriel Sobol and Agnetis / Agnieszka Kielba. Again, newly identified fourth great grandparents. Bartolomiy’s mother is shown as Salomia / Salomea Rybak, and her parents (his grandparents) as Valentini / Walenty Rybak and Anna Kruk, newly identified as my fourth great grandparents.

Katarzyna’s parents, Aleksander MikuÅ› and Maria Kwiatkowska, were married on 9 November 1858 in Liczkowce. Much of the information is the same as shown on Katarzyna’s birth record, but the marriage record adds that Alexander was born on 25 May 1836, and Maria was born on 25 August 1839. The house numbers for each are the same as on their birth records.

Bartolomiy’s parents, Wincenty Sobol and Salomea Rybak, were married in SamoÅ‚uskowce on 26 November 1848. Again, same information as on Bartolomiy’s birth record. No listing of birthdates here.

Finally, I found a death record for Brigida Rużyło, wife of Blasii (Błażej) Mikuś. She died on 13 January 1857 in Liczkowce and was buried two days later. The record gives the marriage date of Brigida and Błażej as 17 July 1831.

Birth records

Marriage records

Death records

Posted at 4:28:30 AM
