Geneablogy: An occasional Journal about our experiences exploring our heritage

Thursday, April 13, 2000

I learned a new word yesterday: "Prothonotary". I tried calling the Blair County government at the number listed on the Blair County page at Rootsweb, only to be rewarded with a message that the number had been changed to an unpublished number. What kind of government has an unpublished number? Well, not Blair County; I was able to find them through Switchboard. I called the Microfilm department to ask if they managed records of old marriage licenses, and the woman there replied that that was the Prothonotary and transferred me. I asked the woman there what the fee was for a copy of a marriage license. A bargain at $5! I had the address of the Prothonotary from Switchboard, but she told me to add "Suite 144" to the address. So today I sent off for a copy of Great Grandpa and Buscha Horbal’s license, using the information from the church certificate that Paul sent me.

Posted at 8:24:50 PM
