After spending Sunday buying much-needed shorts (me) and skirts (Laura) and recuperating from the exhausting trip to Florida ("I just flew to St. Augustine and boy, are my arms tired..."), we started Monday by taking a trolley tour of St. Augustine with my parents. The tour was interesting. We learned that three-quarters of the world is made of coquina, and the remaining quarter of poured concrete, all of it financed by oil baron Henry Flagler. Unfortunately, it felt like the seats on the trolley were made of a mixture of the two; we recommend that you choose the type of trolley you use to tour St. Augustine very carefully.
After taking the tour, we went downtown for a while. We didn't stay long, thanks to the after effects of the trolley ride, but I got a few photos before we drove back to my parents' condo and collapsed.
The Bridge of Lions is a landmark in St. Augustine. This is one of its namesakes, guarding the entrance from the mainland side of the bridge. There aren't any lions on the Anastasia Island side.
I like this shot because it gets two important landmarks, the lion and the distinctive St. Augustine Lighthouse.
I managed to catch this flock of birds as they dispersed near the bridge. You can see in this picture that this day was pretty overcast.
Christmas in the tropics. This photo isn't quite right; it needs to be taken from a slightly different angle. The wreath tends to get lost among the bright yellow signs behind it. In fact, I'm not that happy with most of the photos taken on this day. There are better photos of almost everything here taken later in the trip.
There are multiple groups of pictures from this trip:
Really! Want proof?